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For a true innovator, only adjustability will do.

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More than 50,000 procedures across 47 years gives Dr. Daniel Durrie long-standing credibility within the ophthalmology industry. So when such a well-respected surgeon chose the Light Adjustable Lens (LAL®) for his own cataract surgery, the RxSight® team wanted to share his story.

Dr. Durrie finished his corneal fellowship in 1978, right around the time that refractive surgery was debuting in the United States. As the new guy, the practice he worked for sent him to all the industry’s town hall-type meetings so he could stay abreast of surgical advancements.

“I wasn’t a busy surgeon yet so when the clinical trials started in refractive surgery, I participated in them. I did the same when the trials started for lasers. I’ve been there every step along the way as eye surgery has advanced,” he says.

He went on to found Durrie Vision in Overland Park, KS and boasts one of the longest-standing memberships in all of the major ophthalmology societies. Today, he serves as the chairman of the board for iOR Partners, a company that is pioneering the movement from outpatient surgery centers to in-office surgical suites.

“This whole idea of the patient being involved in customizing their vision is going to be a new era.”

Daniel Durrie, MD

Being so deeply embedded in the ophthalmology field for so many decades lends credibility to Dr. Durrie’s assessment that the Light Adjustable Lens has ushered in a “new era” of cataract surgery and technology.

“This whole idea of the patient being involved in customizing their vision is going to be a new era,” he says. “Having the ability to do the best we possibly can in getting the lens right the first time — this is new customization and patient involvement that we didn’t even think about years ago.”

Dr. Durrie’s own need for cataract surgery began when he noticed that his distance vision wasn’t as clear. He enlisted experienced surgeon Jason Stahl at Durrie Vision to perform his cataract surgery. It’s been nearly a year since his procedure and Dr. Durrie is very pleased to experience the clear vision he expected from the LAL. Something he didn’t expect? How much he enjoyed the patient experience with the LAL. 

“With the LAL, patients are really involved in the process. It’s truly a partnership between the surgeon, the lens, and the patient.”

Dr. Durrie’s cataract surgery was performed by Dr. Jason Stahl, a surgeon at Durrie Vision.

Previous low power hyperopic LASIK OS 20 years ago with minimal residual cylinder.

Case Study

Patient Profile

72-year-old male
OS dominant

Surgical Plan

Target plano to maximize distance vision

Post-op before LDD treatmentsMR-0.70 – 0.50 x 70+0.50 -1.00 x 110

OS Post-op after LDD Lock-in

20/10 -2

Binocular UCNVA after LDD Lock-in
