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For this referring optometrist, only adjustability will do.

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Optometrist David Spivey observed a significant difference between his Light Adjustable Lens (LAL®) patients and his other cataract patients almost immediately—those who received the LAL consistently experienced greater satisfaction with their outcomes. “I had referred patients to Dr. Taylor Strange for the RxSight Light Adjustable Lens® and they had great distance vision and great near vision without any glare on day one after surgery.”

Dr. Strange also noted the exceptional satisfaction among his LAL patients due to their ability to test drive and customize their vision post-surgery. As a result, the majority of his premium lens patients soon transitioned to the LAL.

When the time came for Dr. Spivey’s own cataract surgery, Dr. Strange recognized the vision demands of his colleague’s profession, frequently looking at the small digits on the phoropter in the low light of the exam room. This led Dr. Strange to confidently recommend the Light Adjustable Lens to Dr. Spivey.

Dr. Strange regarded it as an honor to perform LAL surgery on his colleague, given Dr. Spivey’s 35 years of optometric expertise. “Dr. Spivey has referred patients to me for many years and entrusted me with their care. So it was an honor to operate on his eyes and provide him with the best available technology.”

In early August 2023, Dr. Strange implanted the LAL in Dr. Spivey’s eyes on consecutive days. Following the post-op visit for his second eye, Dr. Spivey was back to seeing his own patients that very afternoon.

While patients are always actively engaged in their visual outcomes with the LAL, Dr. Spivey’s extensive experience greatly informed the Light Delivery Device (LDD) adjustment process. The two doctors exchanged text messages regarding Dr. Spivey’s vision and desired visual outcome, guiding the adjustment process. Dr. Strange reflects, “During Dr. Spivey’s LAL adjustment phase, it was really great to receive his text messages detailing his refraction and where he wanted to land. He truly was able to dictate his outcome.”

From watching his grandkids play baseball to effortlessly discerning phoropter dials and numbers during low-light exams in his office, Dr. Spivey now enjoys vision similar to his younger years—without the need for glasses.

Experiencing the results of the LAL for himself has also bolstered Dr. Spivey’s confidence in recommending the LAL (and Dr. Strange) as one of the best options for his patients in his 35+ year career. “He’s witnessed the evolution of cataract surgery over three decades and he loves his vision results. Since his amazing outcome with the LAL, his referral patients come in requesting the lens that Dr Spivey got,” says Dr. Strange.

Dr. Spivey considers getting the LAL one of the best decisions he’s ever made. So much so that he has recommended the lens to his wife for her upcoming cataract surgery, also to be performed by Dr. Strange.

“I thought I realized the importance of good vision. Now, with the LAL, I really understand and appreciate how exceptional my vision is—I no longer have to work at seeing, I just see.”

“Invest in LAL technology if you want to be at the forefront of IOL technology. If you want to have a premium practice and not just a good enough practice, then you should be adding the Light Adjustable Lens to your portfolio.”

Taylor Strange, DO

Case Study

Patient Profile

70-year-old male
OD dominant

Surgical Plan

Consecutive-day small-incision femtosecond laser assisted cataract surgery (FLACS) was performed. Target -0.00 OU using Barrett Universal II formula to maximize distance vision.

MR-0.75 + 0.75 x 79-0.25 + 0.75 x 106
Post-op before LDD treatmentsMRPlano -0.50 x 176-0.75 – 0.25 x 164

OD Post-op after LDD Lock-in

plano sphere


and J1+ uncorrected

OS Post-op after LDD Lock-in



and J1+ uncorrected